Let’s play padel

25 mio



play padel





The biggest Padel Festival of the Year!

The One Point Challenge by PadelCity!

Experience the most thrilling padel tournament of the year in Dortmund, where 512 teams from all over Europe face off – and a single rally decides it all.

No long matches. No sets. No second chances.

Join in and compete for a €10,000 prize!

Sign up now!

Be the next starter

Starter, Advanced or Expert. All levels of play are welcome on our courts. We all started out small and, as in real life, some grow faster and others are also small, big and well-behaved.

Just give it a try and let the others talk about it. Share wonderful times with us on and off the court. When? Right away! Enjoy winning to the fullest, but don’t appreciate the victory any less. Enjoy long rallies the most. Start smiling and preferably never stop! You will love padel! And then be sure to bring your friends.

See you on the court or get to know each other at one of our great events in your area.

Are you new to the world of padel? All the important rules and basics are easily explained here!

Better together

Everything is more exciting together. Even more so when we share the same passion with our partners.
We are proud to work with some of the biggest names in the industry. Each partner has their own unique story and drive to make a difference in the world of padel sports together. Thank you partners for letting us count on you!


You’ll never play alone

Connect with players in your area in our PadelCity WhatsApp groups!

The world is full of players and playerettes. For a real padel match we only need 4 nice people. Are you running out of opponents? Just follow us and we’ll bring the right people together here:

Let the players talk

Time and space for the main actors.


I’ve bounced from sport to sport in my life and every single one of them has been great, from beach volleyball to skateboarding. Padel simply tops them all. For two years now, I’ve been in love with the crazy rallies, the playfulness, the change of focus in a busy working week, the development of my own game – and the people on the court anyway.



As a competitive person, I love the steep learning curve and the quick success of padel, a communicative sport that enables balanced matches across all ages and genders. Playing has significantly expanded my network, and a cold drink together after the match is standard. And that’s what you need after a good workout!As a competitive person, I love the steep learning curve and the quick success of padel, a communicative sport that enables balanced matches across all ages and genders. Playing has significantly expanded my network, and a cold drink together after the match is standard. And that’s what you need after a good workout!



Fun, fun, FUN!!! No matter who I bring along, everyone celebrates. We’re not pros, but there’s a game in every round, even if you sometimes don’t think so beforehand. Perfection probably looks different to us, but the ball comes over the net regularly and that’s what matters. We’ll make the most of the time and get better, so dress warmly at the end of the summer. 😉



In a nutshell: I love padel and I’m addicted! In addition to my family and work, I try to spend most of my time on the court and am therefore grateful to finally have a cool hall in Munich for the winter with PadelCity. My wife and children see less of me as a result, but I think they’re happy that I come home so happy.



Ich bin in meinem Leben von Sportart zu Sportart gehüpft und jede einzelne davon war großartig, von Beachvolleyball bis Skateboarding. Padel toppt sie einfach alle. Seit zwei Jahren bin ich verliebt in die irren Ballwechsel, das Spielerische, den Fokuswechsel in einer vollen Arbeitswoche, die Weiterentwicklung im eigenen Spiel – und in die Menschen auf dem Court sowieso.



Als kompetitive Person begeistert mich der steile Lernprozess und die schnellen Erfolge beim Padel, einem kommunikativen Sport, der alters- und geschlechtsübergreifend ausgeglichene Matches ermöglicht. Das Spielen hat mein Netzwerk signifikant erweitert, und ein gemeinsames Kaltgetränk nach dem Match ist Standard. Und nach dem Auspowern braucht es das!



Fun, Fun, FUN!! Egal wen ich mitbringe, alle feiern es. Wir sind keine Pros, aber es kommt in jeder Runde ein Spiel zustande, auch wenn man das vorher manchmal nicht denkt. Perfektion sieht wahrscheinlich anders aus als bei uns, aber der Ball kommt regelmäßig übers Netz und darauf kommt es an. Wir werden die Zeit nutzen und besser werden, zieht euch Ende des Sommers warm an 😉



Kurz und knapp: Ich liebe Padel und bin süchtig! Neben meiner Familie und der Arbeit versuche ich die meiste Zeit auf dem Court zu verbringen und bin daher dankbar mit PadelCity nun auch endlich eine coole Halle in München für den Winter zu haben. Meine Frau und Kinder sehen mich dadurch weniger, aber ich glaube die freuen sich, dass ich so glücklich nach Hause komme.


Known from…

Thanks to all the media who have already reported on us.

Let’s grow together.

Was the sun blinding you during the smash, was the net far too high or do you have any tips for a better padel future? We are grateful for your opinion!

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